session #71 The Lorenitz
Deskargatu : MP3
EUP! irratiko irrati programak biltzen ditu.
Deskargatu : MP3
#Ratzenoff231 Aurten be sobran baña espesial gabonas Peyoncé ta PostPantoneaz: Negu Gorriak, G.l.o.s.s., Firstline, Loma Prieta, Glassing, Sleepwalk, Punch, Gasket, Contention, New Aesthetic, La Joya, Karam… #ZZE #DIY #FreePalestine #HandsOffLebanon Deskargatu : MP3
Deskargatu : MP3
#Ratzenoff230 Gaur mobida totxuk Iunever Walkalonek eindeko ikerketiai buruz berbetan: Sprints, The Cure, Enyor, Kills Birds, Step By Step, Vice Squad, Viewer… #ZZE #DIY #FreePalestine #HandOffLebanon Deskargatu : MP3
#Ratzenoff229 Saio negutiar, lasai eta motz bat. Musikoti ta mobidak klasiko bat: Perp Walk, Body Count, Wasted Life, Sikm, Flores Y Fuego, 1000Mods, Concealer., Gil Cerrone, Uda, Real Friends, Zeba… #DIY #ZZE #FreePalestine #HandsOffLebanon #HipokrisiariStop Deskargatu : MP3
Deskargatu : MP3
#Ratzenoff228 Kizqrrr etorri da bere musikota, mobida ta inprimiduteko apuntikin y la ostia: Lambrini Girls, Upchuck, Clamm, Kneecap, Maryl Streek, Kaskezur, Spy, Downset., Amyl And The Sniffers… #DIY #ZZE #FreePalestine #HandsOffLebanon Deskargatu : MP3
Deskargatu : MP3
#Ratzenoff227 Herri Tarrantegin etxeko kafeteran, uran lekuen ya eindeko kafie botata eindeko kafe bat da saio hau: Slice, Trail Of Lies, Slugger, Laurie Wright, Rolla, Cel Ray, Bratakus, Stand Still, Meison, Othiel, Bayou La Batre, Planes Mistaken For Stars… #ZZE #DIY #FreePalestine #HandsOffLebanon #1312 Deskargatu : MP3
Deskargatu : MP3 Hemen ga barriro be, proposamen diferente bataz da iñozko saio luziena grabaute. Facebook: Instagram: