
Oin arteko saio transbersalena, musikalki: Drop! (#respect), Regulate, Outright, Total Seclusion… Eta minimonografikuen atala estrenetako, Travis Barker eta Moscow Death Brigade! On ein


Astebeteko eszedentzi bat hartu ostien, zarata apur bateaz gatoz: DUT, Parkway Drive, Sharptooth, Cro-Mags, Risk It!, Leftover Crack, Spoiled, Takedown, American Nightmare, Evil Conduct, Ezin Eta, Daron Malakian and Scars On Broadway… eta holako mobidak


Astion danetik daukeu, ultramarinosetan moduen: Cancer Bats, Iron Reagan, Backtrack, Stronger Together, Coldfront, Beyond Pink, Taken, AC4, Ecca Vandal, Mauvaise Graine, Quicksand, Desorden… ta holako mobidak #LoquilloTonto


Hamahirugarreneko menue: Cuestión De Actitud, Face To Face, Fears Away, Rise Of The Northstar, Dominatrix, Defeater, At The Drive In, Red Fang, Meltdown, Basement, The Story So Far, Banda Bassotti… eta holako mobidak, on ein!


Neguko azken programie! The Casualties, Trash Boat, Sarkor, Le Temps Du Loup, Fourscore, Flyleaf, Death Of A Nation, Huora, Death By Stereo, The Good The Bad And The Zugly, Lay It On The Line, Lonely The Brave, KRS-One… ta holako mobidekin oporreta goiez!


Ba hemen eguaztenetako mezie, aste honetako konjuntuk: Jauko Barik, Refused (#alFREEdo!), Trapped Under Ice, Anti-Corpos, Angel Dust, KOP, Direwolves, Bad Cop Bad Cop, The Baboon Show, Take Warning, A Day To Remember… ta holako mobidak, on ein!