Astion danetik daukeu, ultramarinosetan moduen: Cancer Bats, Iron Reagan, Backtrack, Stronger Together, Coldfront, Beyond Pink, Taken, AC4, Ecca Vandal, Mauvaise Graine, Quicksand, Desorden… ta holako mobidak #LoquilloTonto
Musika alternatibue eta katxondeue
Astion danetik daukeu, ultramarinosetan moduen: Cancer Bats, Iron Reagan, Backtrack, Stronger Together, Coldfront, Beyond Pink, Taken, AC4, Ecca Vandal, Mauvaise Graine, Quicksand, Desorden… ta holako mobidak #LoquilloTonto
Hamahirugarreneko menue: Cuestión De Actitud, Face To Face, Fears Away, Rise Of The Northstar, Dominatrix, Defeater, At The Drive In, Red Fang, Meltdown, Basement, The Story So Far, Banda Bassotti… eta holako mobidak, on ein!
Bueltan gatoz! Pennywise eta Toundra taldien aurrerapen abestixek, ELIZPEROCK jaialdiko antolatzailiekin elkarrizketie, The Human Project, Mortality Rate… eta holako mobidak udabarriko lehenengo saiuen, on ein!
Neguko azken programie! The Casualties, Trash Boat, Sarkor, Le Temps Du Loup, Fourscore, Flyleaf, Death Of A Nation, Huora, Death By Stereo, The Good The Bad And The Zugly, Lay It On The Line, Lonely The Brave, KRS-One… ta holako mobidekin oporreta goiez!
Tooth, Viva Belgrado, Pears, M.O.R.A., Incendiary, First Blood, Disaster Jacks, Nuevo Catecismo Católico, The Bombpops, While She Sleeps, Direct Hit!, Penadas Por La Ley… eta holako mobidak
Ba hemen eguaztenetako mezie, aste honetako konjuntuk: Jauko Barik, Refused (#alFREEdo!), Trapped Under Ice, Anti-Corpos, Angel Dust, KOP, Direwolves, Bad Cop Bad Cop, The Baboon Show, Take Warning, A Day To Remember… ta holako mobidak, on ein!
Hotza kentzeko circle pit batzuk eitxa goiez, bazatoze? Sorotan Babies, Glassjaw, Tragedy, Title Fight, Eat My Fear, The Interrupters, Issuna, Backswing, Powerflo, Humus, This Is A Standoff… ta holako mobidak.
Serixo ipini ga ta oin arteko programa motzena eigu: Mindset, H2O, Nerviosah, Raised Fist, Giante, Mobina Galore, Hyssopus, Strung Out, Bala, A Plastic Rose, Eaten Alive, Alkaline Trio… ta holako mobidak, on ein!
Atzerapenaz gatoz ze eurixe ein dau astion… baña aterri dauenez, hemen mobidie: Modern Life Is War, Walls Of Jericho, Baroness, Stinky, Rouille, Turnstile, Managaitz, Pure Love, Gudazaleak, Texas Is The Reason, The Rodeo Idiot Engine, From First To Last… on ein!
Astion txankletetan gatoz! Your Demise, As We Draw, Propagandhi, Pottors Ta Klito, Rival Schools, El Sonido De La Metralla, Stick To Your Guns, Drop!, Polar, Glasses, GOB, All For Nothing… eta holako mobidak #ratzenoffinternationaledition