Azken argitalpenak

Ratzenoff 176

#Ratzenoff176 Despertadore gitxia ta musikota gehixa: Year Of The Knife, All Out War, Eyes Front, Bootlicker, Presidente Indio, Akelarre, Tano!, Espiral, The Suicide Machines, McIusky, Helms Alee, Korkut… #ZaldibarArgitu #ZZE #DIY Deskargatu : MP3 | OGG Deskargatu : MP3 | OGG

Ratzenoff 175

Deskargatu : MP3 | OGG #Ratzenoff175 Motza ta ariñe, sastada bat musikotiaz: Only, Cap´n Jazz, Arima, Firewalker, Thin Ice, Born Free, The Afghan Whigs, CPU, Streetwise, The Capaces, Exploding Head Syndrome, The Holy Mess… #ZZE #DIY #FreePalestine

Ratzenoff 173

#Ratzenoff173 Urteko bigarren saiue izeteko nahiko ondo: Faim, End It, Jivebomb, Agur, Upchuck, The Meffs, Your Arms Are My Cocoons, Nostromo, Museum Of Light, Urlik, Advertising On The Channel Of Dreams… #DIY #ZZE #1312 #ZaldibarArgitu Deskargatu : MP3 | OGG


#Ratzenoff171 Udazkenetik negure pasetako musikota ideala Anïsakïsaz: One Step Closer, Grima, Ezinegon, Litige, Grandmas House, Kills Birds, Mortality Rate, I Rise, Cinnamon Babe, Ama Say, False Figure, Viuda… #ZZE #DIY #1312 Deskargatu : MP3 | OGG